Customers who purchase household appliances tend to buy an extended warranty at the same time. Before buying the warranty though, some things have to be considered. If your business, organization, or consultancy is interested in appliance and white goods warranty leads, Opinion UK Survey can supply you the information needed for your specific campaign.
Opinion UK Survey’s appliance warranty leads contains the consumers response to questions related to the equipment’s age, brand name, and warranty. Data includes basic information about the consumers, which our call center representatives usually obtain before more questions are asked. You may select only the information needed for telemarketing or your particular campaign. You may also opt to sponsor a warranty question in some of Opinion UK Survey’s marketing inquiry to generate first-use leads to be supplied to you daily.
We carry out our marketing questionnaires all over the UK. First, we clarify our intent and inform the respondents that a marketing representative may contact them thereafter based on their response to questions. Next, if the interviewee corresponds well, we ask them their basic personal information such as full name, age, home address & status of ownership, and phone number details.